Lately, a lot of changes are being introduced into the education system and more than 1-year students have relied on online education that raises the question, how will be the future of online education in India.

The COVID-19 pandemic and consecutive lockdowns have affected the education system of India. Since people were stuck inside their houses for months, there was no way for kids to continue their studies. What they assumed to be holidays and were happy about, turned to be a disastrous mess. They were deprived of their knowledge so the government needed to find an alternative, and that alternative was online education.


Online education is the growing face of the education system in India. Since the New Education Policy (NEP) came in 2020, many changes have been made in the education system that included online education as well but with a new set of rules comes many drawbacks.


According to UNESCO, since the outbreak of COVID-19 began, 1.37 billion students in 138 countries all around the globe have been affected by the closure of schools and universities. Nearly 60.2 million school teachers and university lecturers are no longer held in the classroom.


Since the whole country is under lockdown, e-education is the best and the only option left. University faculties are setting up accounts on online video conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Skype, Google Classroom, Meet, among others to engage with students.


This new media holds out the possibility of on-demand access to the content at any given time or on any digital platform but this turns challenging for both administration and the students. Digital media today is the blend between the classical and conventional way of learning like books and notebooks and digital software like eBooks and pdfs.



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