• There will be many entry and exit points with appropriate certification for higher education.
  • Undergraduate courses can be of 3 or 4 years duration. In which there will be many exit options. Which will with proper certification like if the student has studied in 1 year undergraduate course then he will given certificate, after 2 years advanced diploma will given, after 3 years degree will given and after 4 years bachelor with research degree will awarded.
  • Academic bank of credit will formed in which digital academy credit earned by the students will stored through various higher education institutions and will transferred and counted for the final degree.
  • The new National Education Policy aims to reduce the dependence on text books by emphasizing on learning.
  • National Testing Agency will offer Common Entrance Test for admission in higher education institutions.
  • At least one major multidisciplinary higher education institution will built in every district by 2030.
  • The target of making all higher education institutions as multi-disciplinary institutions by 2040 has kept in this new education policy.
  • The Higher Education Commission of India will the sole body for overall higher education. (Except Medical and Legal Education)
  • The Higher Education Commission of India will have four verticals which will be National Higher Education Regulatory Council, General Education Council, Higher Education Council and National Accreditation Council.
  • Under the education policy, government and private education human beings will be equal. And changes will made in education for people with disabilities.

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