The main objective of the National Education Policy 2021 is to bring the education provided in India to the global level. So that India can become a global knowledge superpower. Universalization of education will done through the National Education Policy. In the National Education Policy 2021, through the government, many amendments have been made in the old education policy. So that the quality of education will improve and children will be able to get good education.


• 6% of GDP will spent for implementing the National Education Policy.
• There will be an option to study Sanskrit and other ancient languages of India in studies. Students can study these languages if they want.
• Changes will also made in board examinations. It may happen that board exams are taken twice a year to reduce the burden on the students.
• Artificial intelligence software will also used to make studies easier.
• MPhil degree from higher education is being abolished.
• Extracurricular activities will placed in the main syllabus.
• Students will be taught 3 languages which will decided by the state at their own level.
• The National Curriculum Framework for School Education will prepared by the National Council of Educational Research and Training.
• To implement this new education policy , many institutions will established so that this policy can run smoothly.
• Under the new National Education Policy, special attention will given to the education of children along with their skills.
• Under the new education policy, if a student wants to leave a course in the middle and enroll in another course, then he can take a break from the first course for a certain time and join the second course.

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